Grow, (just not that much)
Face it. We're all still playing catch up to the reality that this election laid bare. Our collective recency bias kept us blind, thinking that what held true in the recent past (a corrupt, skewed political system serving a ring of cronies) would simply keep happening going forward. Never mind that the world's interconnectedness had made things inherently unstable . Or that it had already fed revolutions all over the middle east. That was them -- it seemed we thought . We're different. Turns out, we're not. Now that the fire has reached home, we're scrambling for solid ground amidst this tectonic plate rearrangement. The Liberal World Order is under siege -- fascists are at the gates !-- and Fukuyama had it all wrong . The sense of loss and drifting is palpable. It's clear --by now-- why we missed it. But is it really clear why we got here ? Interconnectedness may have been the spark, and our yearn for belonging may have exacerbated it, but the rea...