Paradigm-busting Times
Paradigms are a funny thing. They are collective conventions people believe in --even rely upon for functioning. They're ideas everyone has agreed as truth, which few (or not a substantial number of people) question, until a revolutionary thinker, or a massively influential event (or a combination of both) occurs, and they are busted. The earth was flat and no one questioned it until a "brave revolutionary" called Copernicus dared to think outside convention and declared earth revolved around the sun. And boom: Ptolemaic cosmology was gone. Money and government, both social constructions that rely on people according them legitimacy , also rely on paradigms to function. A major one is that money is finite -- we can run out of it . Another one is that we can get it only if we do (work on) something of value for somebody else . Also, that we can't make our own money --unless we want to land in jail. Or be tragically killed . Therefore, the reputation of a currency, at...