Are we lost?
"Greed is good.” Or is it not? Gordon Gecko’s maxim has been lately at the center of some major soul-searching by world leaders. Is Capitalism a failed system? Should it be changed or reformed? Is the inequality engendered by it so pronounced now that it endangers the stability of societies? Increase in Gini Coefficient mid '80s to late '90s OCDE Report, Pg. 4 The discussion is everywhere. Pundits all over the world are attempting to tackle the fundamental question: "How did we get here?", "Is the model exhausted?", "Should we change course?" Some frame the discussion about the cause of the current crisis in terms of the loss of conservative values and its decay. Good values of the past are now gone, they argue. Somehow the passage of time has allowed for the relaxation of self restraining behaviors, normally deemed conducive to a stable, healthy society. Others argue that this permanent "doom and gloom" mode is an illu...